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Elastic Software Freecell (Pocket PC) 1.1

Elastic Software Freecell (Pocket PC) 1.1

Elastic Software Freecell (Pocket PC) Publisher's Description

Game Description

Elastic Software® Freecell has options to let you play with an unlimited number of undo/redo moves, auto-play cards to home cells, adjustable animation speed, and card/color themes. It saves lists of games you have won and attempted, so you can try a game again later or suggest an especially difficult game number to a friend. You can look up your statistics for games won/lost, as well as your current and best winning streak. Also featured are in game rules and help, allowing for a quick, fun game or two...


  • Unlimited levels of undo/redo moves

  • Track specific games won and lost

  • Player statistics and winning streaks

  • Option to auto-play cards on the home cells

  • Enable / disable sound for discreet play.

  • In game rules and help

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